Quick and Dirty Episode: Ben Wade – Drunk Dialing

Welcome to a Loose and Conversational Quick and Dirty episode!

Well, friends, I bit off more than I can chew. We recorded with eight different people to make our “Drunk Dialing” podcast. That is going to take me a few more days to put together! So that you don’t forget about us, here is one of the conversations uncut.

This episode features the great Ben Wade. He is the second-best Sales Person at the second busiest farm implement dealer in Saskatchewan’s third-largest city. That’s not all he is. He’s about the most fun you can have in a 20-minute phone call when you’ve both had a few.

OK, trigger warning. At times, this is two guys from Saskatchewan trying to one-up each other with off-colour humour. If that is not your thing, do not listen. The comments are directed at each other and our friend Chris. I give this warning because Jenn was very uncomfortable with the conversation, and I feel it worth mentioning. Some of my favourite parts of this call are her subtle, horrified reactions.

“Drunk dialing” was an episode we did where, instead of worrying about all the technical recording stuff, we just recorded phone calls. I hope you enjoy this Quick and Dirty episode; the complete Drunk Dialing should be out in a few days.

J. David Keam

About the Author
Wanna-be Podcast Host and Blogger. I'll fill in more later if this goes well...