Episode 19: Drunk Dialing Part 1

Welcome to our Drunk Dialing episode.

Recording a podcast with good sound quality is a challenge. Podcasters generally do not record in fancy studios. We have zero budgets and use what equipment we can buy to support our podcasts. Since most podcasts are remote these days, we rely on our guests to also have appropriate equipment.

For this podcast, we toss all of this on its ear. I hooked my cell phone up to my mixer, Jenn and I started drinking and started calling people. We did this all night! We already released one of the calls as a separate episode, and this is our compilation of the first calls.

This episode features our most popular guest ever, Cletus Van Damme, with his wife, Pocahontas. We also call our friends Francois, Lauren, and Sarah. These calls get us to our limit, so we plan to release the other calls in a few days as part two. I enjoyed these conversations as everyone seemed more natural just talking into their phones. I hope you enjoy it too!

Stay loose friends,

J. David Keam

About the Author
Wanna-be Podcast Host and Blogger. I'll fill in more later if this goes well...