Episode 23: Marcie – Canadian Sex Scandals

This episode features Marcie, who answered our call when we wanted someone to research Canadian Sex Scandals.

She did such a great job that this episode needs to come with a trigger warning. It gets dark at points. We talk about Gerda Munsinger and famed Albertan pervert John Brownlee to get started, but things take a decided turn once we get to Peter Nygard and Karla Holmoka. This episode is a different take on a country known for Letterkenny, poutine, Barenaked Lady Singalongs and saying sorry.

The podcast has been doing amazingly lately thanks to fantastic guests and, of course, all of you listeners. Jenn and I hope you are enjoying yourselves, and we thank you for choosing to listen.

Stay Loose Friends,


About the Author
Wanna-be Podcast Host and Blogger. I'll fill in more later if this goes well...