Do you want to be on a podcast?

The Loose and Conversational Podcast is currently two people.

I am the host, and I produce the show. Jenn Northcoast calls herself the star; she co-hosts and assists with social media. I am starting to think that we have room for one or two more people.

We often come up with episode ideas, and then we need to start searching for a guest. Searching for a guest takes a surprising amount of work and usually ends in frustration. After we get a guest, they need to learn how the podcast works, get equipment together, and sometimes get over their nerves.

Our guests need to be comfortable with the format of the podcast. What makes our podcast different from other ones is “loose conversations with interesting people.” Guests need to be comfortable having a few drinks and letting the conversation flow. Let us get real for a moment, by a few; we mean a few too many.

I have started to wonder if there might be a better solution. Now I’m not talking about completely replacing guests; that would be foolish. But maybe we take on a recurring guest or two that enjoys research. They could spend a few weeks reading up about something and then come on the podcast, have a few drinks, and educate all of us. Here is the best part, that person could be you!

What’s in it for you? Nothing! I mean, this costs me money, crazy, eh? I should remind you that you can support us at Buy Me a Coffee; click on that orange coffee cup.

The podcast is a lot of fun. Most guests tell us that they want to do it again. A few have wanted to become regulars. There is a lot of satisfaction in creating content and watching it grow. Plus, you never know, there are successful podcasts, and this one probably will be someday. We will help you out with some equipment to get started and teach you what to do.

So how about it? Could you research four conspiracy theories and explain them to us, or explain QANON? Can you explain the Munsinger Affair and the John Brownlee sex scandal? Could you spend an hour bringing us up to date on current but obscure trends? Could you settle an argument between Jenn and me using objective facts?

Does this appeal to you? Well, shit, let us know then! Please email me directly at and let us put you to work.

About the Author
Wanna-be Podcast Host and Blogger. I'll fill in more later if this goes well...